Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Few Phrases We Know...

We Can Also Say...
There It Is.... very helpful when we are looking for our babies, socks, or books
It's Da!!! .... notice the excitement when Daddy enters the room
All Done! ...this is something mommy needs to respond to immediately - otherwise we throw our empty plate on the floor
Uh - Oh.... we like this is all purpose and pretty much excuses anything we do
Side... this means we want to go outside to play, please
No... we don't actually say this, we shake our heads vigorously and wave our hands back and forth- it is just as effective
Hhhhmmm.... as in, hhhmmmm - I wonder how that happened? or hhhmmm... who made this big mess? or hhhhhmmm - where did it go?
Socks...interchangeable for shoes and socks - meaning: it is time to put on our shoes and socks, we must be going somewhere
Poh...means potty. We like to watch mommy and daddy go potty.
Uh - uh - uh.... our sound for dog. We say it while bouncing up and down and pointing, as in, Look, mommy, look! There's a dog!
Is dah?... accompanied by pointing.... means What's that?
Ca ca?.... are we going for a ride in the car?
OK.... whatever you say mommy (because otherwise I am going to Time Out)
1...2...3.... we like to count 1,2,3 with mommy when we are about to go to Time Out
Help.... we don't actually say this. We have a very creative sign for Help - it looks suspiciously like we are telling someone off in Italian (!). It is very funny to watch us ask for help.
Milk.... another sign we use. We shake our hands up and down frantically when we want milk, or for that matter, anything to drink.
More.... all purpose sign. Usually mommy says, More what? And she has to guess what we want, and then we get frustrated when she doesn't guess right and shake our heads no. Then we cry.
Stinky.... we pinch our noses when we have stinky diapers. Yuck.
Tired.... we put put our head on our hands to show mommy we are tired and need a nap. It is a lot of work to be 2!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Things We Do At Two

Things We Do At Two....
Run - or at least toddle fast - yelling go, go, go all the way!
Jump up and down (from the ground)
Jump up and down really, really high in our beds
Hold on as mommy and daddy push us on our tricycles
Match several letter blocks to letters on a mat
Feed ourselves with a spoon (although we still prefer our hands)
Drink from a straw
Drink from a cup if you hold it for us
Take a Time Out when we need it
Have a pretend conversation on the telephone
Sit and read - we love to read
Take an afternoon nap (Yeah for mommy!)
Wipe our bottoms (our own, each others, mommy's...)
Sit on the potty (although we don't actually go on the potty)
Wash our hands with wipes (we cry is we can't have a wipe)
Brush our teeth (or at least chew on the toothbrush)
Brush our own hair, each other's hair, mommy's hair, doll baby's hair
Give all animals a kiss (Bailey, animals at the zoo, animals in books, stuffed animals)
Undress (when we're not supposed to...especially after a nap)
Wear pull-ups
Stand to get dressed
Unzip zippers (on mommy's purse, our PJ's, our jackets, and anything else we shouldn't unzip)
Have complete conversations in twin speak
Sit in our rocking chairs to watch Baby Einstein
We also like to watch Thomas the Train on TV
Climb - on everything
Emma can climb out of her crib or her pack and play, open the door, and come downstairs to say hi
Close doors - all doors - all the time
Open doors with a pull down handle (like the door to the deck)
Open cupboard doors and take everything out
Walk up the stairs holding mommy's hand
Go down the stairs holding mommy's hand (but we still like to go down backwards)
Swim in the pool with mommy or daddy
Blow a kiss
Wave bye bye and say bye
Sing (Emma loves to sing)
Dance (Ella loves to dance)
Push our babies in strollers, feed our babies (and puppies) with a bottle, kiss our babies and throw them on the floor, hug our babies, put our babies to sleep, and brush our babies hair
We bring our puppies and babies to eat with us - we sit them on the table so they can watch
We sleep with our babies and puppies (Ella - puppy, Emma - baby)
Other games and toys we like- animal dominoes, tic tac tony, barnyard bingo, ABC peek-a-blocks, stacking rings - we can match the colored beads to the color sticks), stacking boxes (we can stack most of them by size), play food (we put the food on plates and pretend to eat it), play telephones, play-doh and cookie cutters, doodle pros, color wonder markers, play farm and animals
Drawing - we love to draw on our doodle pros - especially Emma. We like to watch mommy or daddy draw and guess what it is. Emma likes to draw daddy's face.
Finger paint. We even tried painting with pudding.
Animal sounds - we know most of them - and we recognized the animals at the zoo!
Itsy Bitsy Spider and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes - we can do the actions
Follow directions (although we don't always want to follow directions)
Clean - we love to clean - especially Ella - everything and everybody!
Put our toys away in the right bins

Words We Can Say (Clearly):
Go, go, go
Mama (finally!)
Da (Daddy)

We have lots more words - but mommy and daddy can't understand most of them (but we can)!

Dear Emma and Ella...

This is your website. This weekend, you will turn 2. It would be impossible for me to write about everything that has happened in the first two years of your lives. Every day you surprise me with something new, whether a new word you just learned (like go go go!), a new game you learned (like if we scream really loud in the car, there's nothing mommy and daddy can do about it), a new food you tried (we like lo mein), or an adorable moment (Emma giving Ella a kiss for the first time, and Ella returning it). As you enter your 2nd year, there are so many new things we will learn together, and so many new things to do. You are learning to ride your tricycles, you are learning how to swim, and you are learning to share and take turns so you can go to preschool in the fall. You are learning your ABC's. You are learning colors and shapes and numbers. You are learning that two heads are better than one! Best of all, you are learning that you have each other, and that you are the best of friends. And you are learning that you are loved by lots and lots of people, and most of all, by mommy and daddy.