Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Emma and Ella work together as a team. Sometimes, they come up with very creative ideas together. For example, Emma and Ella like to wear Mommy and Daddy's shoes. One day, Emma and Ella took all of the shoes out of Mommy and Daddy's closet and lined them up on the bed. Then they tried all of the shoes on and walked around in them. Daddy's shoes are hard to walk in because they are so big. Another time, Emma and Ella came downstairs for breakfast, but on the way they stopped on the landing to examine the old cookie cutters in the basket on the stairs. They decided to take all of the cookie cutters out and piled them all on the bottom step. Then they put them all back in the basket. They were very proud, and had a great time making animal noises for all of the different cookie cutters. Teamwork comes in handy at naptime when the girls do not want to go to sleep. Instead, they work together to get into all kinds of trouble. One day they took all of the books off of their bookshelves and put them in a huge pile on the floor. Another day they took all of their clothes out of their dresser. Another time, they filled up the shopping cart and baby buggy with toys from the playroom, then filled their cribs with the toys. There was no room to go to sleep! The girls dump and fill all kinds of things. They have even used little buckets and watering cans to empty all of the water from the baby pool - they watered the driveway, the sidewalk, the plants, the grass, Mommy and Daddy, themselves, the water table - until all of the water was gone! Then, of course, they wanted Mommy to fill it up so they could do it again!
Emma and Ella also like to draw. They have Color Wonder markers that (supposedly) only mark on special paper. One day, Daddy was reading the paper in the living room while the girls played in the kitchen. They were very quiet. That is always a sign that trouble is brewing. Mommy walked out to the kitchen to find that the girls decorated the wall between the kitchen and the dining room. Even though they used the Color Wonder markers, you could see the marks on the wall. What a great example of teamwork in action! They were very proud of their picture, and then they helped Mommy clean it off. Luckily, when Emma and Ella make a mess, they are good cleaners, and help to clean it up. Emma and Ella also work together during playtime. They will often work together to finish a puzzle or a stacking toy. Sometimes Ella or Emma will point out where a piece goes. When they work together to accomplish something, they clap when they are done. The amazing thing about teamwork for Emma and Ella is the fact that they don't have to talk about what they are going to do. It's as if they know exactly what the other one is thinking. It is fun to watch them in action, even when they work together to make a mess!

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